
Language and the use of law are predictive of judge gender and seniority

EPJ Data Sci. - Sept. 2, 2024

There are examples of how unconscious bias can influence actions of people. In the judiciary, however, despite some examples there is no general theory on whether different demographic attributes such as gender, seniority or ethnicity affect case sentencing. We aim to gain insight into this issue by analyzing over 100k...

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Bayesian estimation of information-theoretic metrics for sparsely sampled distributions

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals - Feb. 7, 2024

Estimating the Shannon entropy of a discrete distribution from which we have only observed a small sample is challenging. Estimating other information-theoretic metrics, such as the Kullback–Leibler divergence between two sparsely sampled discrete distributions, is even harder. Here, we propose a fast, semi-analytical estimator for sparsely sampled distributions. Its derivation...

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Differences in collaboration structures and impact among prominent researchers in Europe and North America

EPJ Data Sci. - April 28, 2023

Scientists collaborate through intricate networks, which impact the quality and scope of their research. At the same time, funding and institutional arrangements, as well as scientific and political cultures, affect the structure of collaboration networks. Since such arrangements and cultures differ across regions in the world in systematic ways, we...

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Complex Systems

Cells, ecosystems and economies are examples of complex systems. In complex systems, individual components interact with each other, usually in nonlinear ways, giving rise to complex networks of interactions that are neither totally regular nor totally random. Partly because of the interactions themselves and partly because of the interaction's topology, complex systems cannot be properly understood by just analyzing their constituent parts.


Data Science

Humans generate information at an unprecedented pace, with some estimates suggesting that, in a year, we now produce on the order of 10^21 bytes of data, millions of times the amount of information in all the books ever written. Processing this "data deluge", as some have called it, requires new tools and new approaches at the interface of statistics, statistical and machine learning, network theory and statistical physics.



Our goal is to push forward the boundaries of science. We are interested in addressing fundamental questions in all areas of science including natural, social and economic sciences. We put a special emphasis in the development of tools that aid scientific discovery through understanding and quantification of a specific phenomenon. To this end we have assembled a multidisciplinary team and have established solid collaborations with experts in biology, social sciences, ecology and economics.